Podcast speedrun

A brief overview of Speedrun

Discover the world of speedrun with Niniste, a speedrunner and streamer, Sacha Bernard, a teacher and doctoral student, Pippeau from MO5.com, and Jennyfer, a video game sociologist. We explore the definition, history and challenges of speedrunning, as well as its categories and grouping spaces such as Speedon and Twitch. Why choose

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jeu dans le jeu

The game within the game

The game within the game - How success has changed the way we play. With Julie le Baron and Grégoire Hellot

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cliche geek

Clichés about Geeks

Dive into a special rebroadcast entitled "Geek Clichés", where we explore the persistent stereotypes surrounding geeks and video games, with our special guests @afrogameuses and @Ladyninh. Together, we deconstruct misconceptions such as "Video games are for little boys

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vignettepodcastpressstart 1

MEMO5 #5 - Presse Start : The history of video game magazines

In the company of the two co-authors, Yves Breem (member of MO5.COM) and Boris Krywicki, we take a look back at 40 years of the French video games press and go behind the scenes of the writing of the book Presse Start, published by Omake Books.

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Podcast #47 - The French touch

After our last show over Christmas, what better opportunity for MO5.COM Podcasts than to make a comeback and brighten up this forced confinement, albeit by chance? When pre-orders opened for Une histoire du jeu vidéo en France, we pointed out that

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une podcast gen4

Podcast #46 - The story of Generation 4

Although our last programme is just over a month old, it was overdue and we were keen to revive a MO5.COM Podcast Christmas 'tradition', even though it has only taken place twice in this period... Worse still, the previous issue devoted to a magazine goes back

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MO5.COM Podcasts #45 The Dreamcast turns 20

On 14 October, we relayed a Level MAX!! programme about the Master System, explaining that we had planned to publish the new issue of MO5.COM Podcasts on that day, also devoted to a SEGA console. Because that date marked the twentieth anniversary of the release of the

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Podcast #44 - The prehistory of video games

After the Game Boy, which took us thirty years back in time for its captivating genesis, MO5.COM Podcasts are going back even further in time for a show about the first videogame experiments... To tell the truth, this summer episode has been in the can for a few months already, but it's now time for the next episode.

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une podcast 43

Podcast #43 - Game Boy turns 30

After a slight delay for the Mega Drive, we didn't want to miss the anniversary of the Game Boy today, as it was released on 21 April 1989 in Japan. And it seemed only natural to recreate the tandem we enjoyed so much during our podcast dedicated to the NES in France, by inviting

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MEMO5 #4.4 -Interview : Florent Gorge and AHL

Here's the fourth and final interview from RGP 2019, with AHL and Florent Gorges, who need no introduction. You can listen to the podcast using the player above, in your usual app, and in the YouTube player below:

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