Gifts from Mars - Part 2/2

Here is the second part of the donations received in March. Still hardware, but mostly games. We're receiving more and more PS3/Xbox 360 games, a sign that we're beginning to enter a new era of retrogaming!

Nicolas has left his dancing career behind (unless he's invested in a Dance Dance Revolution ?) and has entrusted us with dance mats, PC games, and a TO8.

Togan has given us a substantial donation of games Xbox 360but also a Xbox original PlayStationand even a Atari 2600 and Game Gear.

Cyril gave us games Master System, Nintendo 64, PS3, PC and Xbox360.

And finally, Bertrand brought us a bit of everything, including a couple of very pretty pieces that will be the subject of a future post.

As always, a very big thank you to all our donors, including those whose donations do not necessarily appear on our website.