New donations: prototypes and development kits

Today, we'd like to introduce you to some rather special pieces that have been saved by a generous donor.

We start with the most recent, namely an Oculus Rift development kit, and a prototype Playstation 4 controller. As you can see, the design is close to that of the final controller, but the touchpad and buttons are significantly different.

Kit dev Oculus Rift
Kit dev Oculus Rift
Kit dev Oculus Rift
Prototype manette PS4
Prototype manette PS4
Prototype manette PS4

We also received not one, not two, but three Dreamcast development kits. Dreamcast development kits. Apart from one of them which is having a bit of trouble keeping its drive closed, they are in excellent condition. closed drive, they're all in excellent condition.

Kit dev Dreamcast
Kit dev Dreamcast
Kit dev Dreamcast
Kit dev Dreamcast
Kit dev Dreamcast

All these pieces will be joining our core collection, and you may see them in display cases at forthcoming exhibitions.