A year ago, at the end of the 2018 editionthe organisers of the Stunfest launched a cry of alarm on the future of this popular event (retro)gamers. Fortunately, the appeal was heard and the good news was announced in autumn the Stunfest 2019 will indeed take place, and has already begun this weekend with a game jam.
However, there are a number of reasons for this, MO5.COM will only be taking part in the festival itself from Friday to Sunday, and there will of course be some Saturn Bomberman to ten players on the big screen, but that's not all. As the event has historically focused on fighting games, it would have been a shame not to take advantage of the return of Samurai Shodown in June.
There will be a mini-retrospective with the inaugural 1993 instalment on Neo-Geothe fourth, Amakusa's Revenge (1996), on PlayStation or Saturn and Samurai Shodown V (2003) on PlayStation 2. But above all, the new episode in the series will be available for preview on our stand, with a tournament on Saturday 18 to win a place at theEVO 2019 where, as a reminder, it will be one of the games in competition at the beginning of August.
And there will be many other tournaments on offer at Stunfest, featuring both retro and modern titles, as detailed at this address. However, you only have until Tuesday to register via this dedicated box office You'll need a competitor's pass (also valid for the whole festival) and the price will depend on the game. For the others, go to this address where there are fourteen formulas ranging from 13 € à 45 €... Find out more at the official website.