As the event did not take place in 2017, MO5.COM had to return to the Stunfest in 2018, even though it is being held at the same time as our major exhibition Retro Gaming to the Foire de Bordeaux.
What's more, our Breton friends from 3 Hit Combo have pulled out all the stops this year, with festivities kicking off next weekend with a game jamand will continue throughout the following week with the meetings from 15 to 17 May. Addona series of conferences, round tables and workshops aimed at video game professionals in the broadest sense - researchers, students and amateur developers are also welcome.
However, the association will only be taking part in the festival itself on the last three days of the week, from 18th to 20thwith a small multiplayer-oriented stand featuring at least Saturn Bomberman with ten players on the big screen. Find out all about the programme and practical information at the official website of the event.
Thanks to Rom Game.