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Paris Games Week: video games, "a heritage to be safeguarded
France 24 - 01/11/2019
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The guardians of video game memory
Le Monde - 21/05/17
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Video games and museums: a marriage of convenience?
Usbek & Rica - 29/03/19
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Are video games the ultimate art form?
20 Minutes 25/10/16
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The Philharmonie de Paris pays tribute to video game music
France Info - 22/06/17
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Jubilant leaps into the void among the yokai: ASIAN HOLDS AND GHOSTS at the Quai Branly
Journal du Japon - 11/05/18
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Paris Games Week: video games, "a heritage to be safeguarded
France 24 - 01/11/2019
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The M05 association preserves video game heritage
Le Parisien Magazine - 21/09/17
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How video games came to be in museums
Slate - 18/11/11
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The pleasure of playing on real consoles will become increasingly rare
Numerama - 09/07/17
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Promotional, commemorative or stand-alone, video game cartridges are making a stand
Le Monde - 21/05/17
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Foire internationale de Bordeaux: five figures for the 97th edition
Sud Ouest - 10/05/18
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MO5 preserves Video Game heritage
One FM - 20/10/2018
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MO5.com, the living memory of video games
Usbek & Rica - 23/09/18
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The greatest video game successes on show at the Grand Palais
Le Monde - 09/11/11
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MO5 preserves Video Game heritage
One FM - 20/10/18
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NES, SNES Mini: "Even Nintendo was surprised by the success of its retro consoles".
L'Express - 26/09/17
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Retrogaming, when nostalgia becomes a golden goose
Sputnik - 09/11/18
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