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MO5 Workshop: First aid for the Atari ST

Welcome to this new article, which we hope will inaugurate a series dedicated to first aid for our dear old machines to keep them in good working order! To be more precise, you won't find in these articles how to repair a power supply that's out of order, change some

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MO5.COM workshop: Backup of Katana development kits (Sega Dreamcast)

The MO5.COM association works to preserve our digital heritage, and this involves backing up development kits that have been used in the industry, so that from time to time we can get our hands on unreleased versions of more or less well-known games.

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MO5.COM presents the very first demo on Squale

In the summer of 2015, we announced that our member Jean-François Del Nero had succeeded in extracting the monitor ROM from the Squale, a French microcomputer that was long believed never to have been marketed - until the manager of its manufacturer, Apollo 7, set the record straight.

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