New donations: closing 2019 on a high note

It's been a while since we did an update on donations, so we're going to make sure we catch up; as usual, this post is intended to be representative of the donations received, not exhaustive: otherwise it would be far too long!

Here's a look at the machines, games and publications we've received since the summer, and which have joined our collection:

Laurent has donated several Silicon Graphics workstations in working order, complete with peripherals:

IMG 20190629 131148

François has donated a Sportmaster TVG 901 and a YENO Super Cassette Vision, both in boxes.

P 20190823 165338 vHDR Auto P 20190823 165823 vHDR Auto

Alexis donated three Tiger electronic games in very good condition, complete with instructions. From now on, strength is in our pocket!

P 20190810 171534 vHDR On

Other donations included a Japanese Dreamcast, a Wonderswan Color, a Galaxy II electronic game, a Bingo TV game, ZX Spectrum+, a TO7 and several cassettes, PC games in excellent condition, etc.

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Once again, a big thank you to all those who have placed their trust in us by entrusting us with these objects, which often have great sentimental value: they contribute to the growth of our collection, allowing us to diversify what we present to the public, and to expand the holdings of our future museum!

If you too would like to make a donation, go to our contact form.