MO5.COM celebrates 13 years of existence

This new year, 2016, is also an opportunity for us to celebrate our 13th anniversary with you. The MO5.COM association has been in existence for 13 years, working tirelessly, thanks to its many volunteers and friends, to preserve our digital heritage and the culture associated with its use. For 13 years, we have believed - indeed, we are convinced - that this magnificent world heritage deserves a permanent museum dedicated to it, so that it can be preserved and promoted to the full extent of the changes it has brought about in our society.

We'd like to take this opportunity to take a quick look back at some of the Association's most exciting projects and events. And it goes without saying that the new year is already bringing its share of international events and projects for the association, particularly in Asia. We're looking forward to reporting on these projects, which we're sure will convince you of the quality of our work, the breadth of our knowledge and our passion.

Museogame (2010)

Museogame (2010)

Game Story au Grand Palais de Paris (fin 2011)

Game Story at the Grand Palais in Paris (end 2011)


Une Histoire de jeux vidéo au Québec (avril 2012 à mars 2013)

A History of Video Games in Quebec (April 2012 to March 2013)


SEGA Museum à Japan Expo (2009)

SEGA Museum at Japan Expo (2009)


Sonic Museum pendant Japan Expo (2011)

Sonic Museum during Japan Expo (2011)


Villette Numérique (2004)

Villette Numérique (2004)


Games Convention à Leipzig, en Allemagne (2007)

Games Convention in Leipzig, Germany (2007)


Paris Games Week 2015

Paris Games Week 2015


You can find even more photos on our Flickr account.

We wish you all an excellent New Year, and may it bring you every success in your personal, professional and, of course, community projects!

The MO5.COM association board and officers

Saturn Bomberman pendant PGW 2015

Saturn Bomberman, the eternal crowd-pleaser!