MO5.COM workshop: Backup of Katana development kits (Sega Dreamcast)
The MO5.COM association works to preserve our digital heritage, and this involves backing up development kits that have been used in the industry, so that from time to time we can get our hands on unreleased versions of more or less well-known games.
Appeal for donations to preserve rare equipment
The 33rd Virus Informatique reported on the joint operation by the WDA, Musée Replay, BIOS and MO5.COM associations to save the collections of the former 'Musée de l'informatique', which has been abandoned since its closure in 2010. For the time being, most of these very rare and voluminous items are stored close to the museum.
MO5.COM on 8 March live on Tuyatrojouey
Every Friday evening from 9pm to 11pm, TuyatrojoueY broadcasts a live JV news show on Twitch/Youtube/Mixer (on TuYa TV, the live extension of the Tuyatrojouey webzine), and on web-radio (Play Geek). After a 1-hour round-table discussion with the columnists, a special feature will be presented, with the participation of
Life on the premises: extending the heart of the collection
It's summer, but that doesn't mean the association is on holiday - quite the contrary! We're taking advantage of our members' availability to carry out some work on our premises - and not the least, since we're expanding our core collection. On the programme: insulation work, installation of partitions and new furniture.
MO5.COM celebrates 13 years of existence
This new year, 2016, is also an opportunity for us to celebrate our 13th anniversary with you. The MO5.COM association has been in existence for 13 years, working tirelessly, thanks to its many volunteers and friends, to preserve our digital heritage and the culture associated with its use. 13