Many of you contacted us during the month of December and we'd like to thank you warmly for your support!
Whether you're a journalist, a private individual or a professional in the video game industry, we're delighted to hear from you more and more. Here is a small selection of our latest donations.
The association's Chairman, Philippe DUBOIS, and Vice-Chairman, David SOUMET, donated an Ouya and music video game equipment respectively.
We'd like to thank Gérald M. for donating some NES and Colecovision games.
Then SenranData spoiled us with SEGA Saturn and Dreamcast hardware and various books on the video game industry:
We would also like to thank Narsauva, who donated CRT televisions and 2 Xbox 360s.
Pix'n'Love is back with issue 30 and a book on the history of Metroid.
Finally, a newcomer to the publishing world, our friend James from Paper Sword, has released a book on Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross: Out of Time.
Our friends Vincent and Cyril from Capcom France have also left us a legacy of equipment, monitors, consoles and games.
A big thank you also to Alexandre from Square-Enix France, for the latest games.
On Christmas Day, you'll no doubt have unwrapped your presents. On behalf of the whole association, we wish you a very happy festive season, and look forward to 2017!