March was a particularly successful month in terms of donations. We would like to extend our warmest thanks to all our donors, whatever the nature and size of their donation, because each and every one of them is important.
This first part is devoted in particular to hardware, with computers of all kinds and all ages!
First things first, Alain has donated his Amiga 1000 complete and functional, with all the programmer's documentation over several years, and a huge amount of software on floppy disk, and boot floppies. As a bonus, he added a collection of modems, .
Alexandre gave us two European Saturn joysticks, in very good condition.
Daniel donated a Atari 800 XL complete with instruction manual and warranty card! It comes complete with a 1010 player, touchpad, programmes on cartridges and cassettes, and documents and training books from the era.
Fabrice donated a Windows 95 point-of-sale advertising of good size.

Finally, we received a donation in memory of Mr Henri Masson a Twentieth Anniversary Macintoshnicknamed "Spartacus"complete in its box. It's a rare piece and we're very touched that his family has placed their trust in us by entrusting it to us, along with the Powerbook 1400cs that came with it.