Gavin Rummery

Born on 23 January 1969, Gavin Rummery graduated from a programming school when many others were still learning on the job at the time. He then tried his luck in the video game world and was easily hired in 1995 at CORE Design where he's even asked which game he'd like to work on!

While touring the titles in development, he came across a certain Toby Gard which has been trying in vain for months to create a game called Tomb Raiderwith three other people. Initially worried about the ambition of the project, Rummery nevertheless decided to give it a go, even though no one knew how to create 3D sets at the time... Taking inspiration from the pioneer in the field Ultima Underworld (1992) that he designed a level editor to make it easier for level designers.

Thereafter, he took charge of all aspects of the game's programming, becoming the real pillar of the team. He took the reins of the second episode after Toby Gard's departure and, in less than a year of hard work - he created the famous Venice boat in less than 48 hours! -, Tomb Raider 2 (1997) proved even more successful than its predecessor. Tired, he wanted to move on to something else and learned almost by chance that a third instalment was in the works while he was working on Project Eden (2001), a more personal project.

Probably just as good, it unfortunately did not enjoy the same commercial success, no doubt overshadowed by Lara Croft which has priority for the publisher Eidos...

Artist's Artworks